Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kundalini Warning- Are False Spirits Invading The Church Crystal Meth-odist Church

And here is where I must speak to the world of the Pentecostal altar. The UPC has such a strong stress on the necessity of speaking in tongues for salvation that an altar service can appear to be a total frenzy. It is common to hear seekers crying and begging God to save them. You can also hear people shouting, "Just say, 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,' over and over, real fast." Or, "Say 'hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah' over and over real fast." Some are saying, "Turn loose!" Still others are saying, "Hang on!" The person in the altar is being drawn into an emotionally charged atmosphere.”

Tosh.O - "Crystal Meth-odist Church"

Oh, those crazy Pentecostals!

Preacher imitations

Pentecostal thug preacher

Benny Hinn - Dark Lord of the Sith


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