Sunday, May 27, 2012

Virtual Chamber of Hewn Stone


Virtual Chamber of Hewn Stone
Public Meeting Place for the International Nazarene Beit Din comprised of the Council of Emissaries and the Great Nazarene Sanhedrin.
Members: 55
Latest Activity: Jan 20

The International Nazarene Beit Din

The International Nazarene Beit Din is a body of Nazarene Zakenim ("Elders") formed in 1996 in accordance with the Torah (Dt. 16:18; Ex. 18:19-26). The Beit Din exists as a Rosh Beit Din (Head Beit Din) to resolve halachic issues and other matters scripturally assigned to the beit din. The beit din system is both the biblical way and the Jewish way for Nazarene Judaism to establish halacha and govern itself. The International Nazarene Beit Din operates in the biblical tradition of the ancient Nazarene Beit Din headed by Ya'akov HaTzadik (James the Just) (see Acts 15). It is our hope that the International Nazarene Beit Din will be helpful to Nazarenes everywhere as we work together to reestablish first century Nazarene halacha and endeavor to the unity of the body in the bond of peace.

The International Nazarene Beit Din is comprised of the Council of Emissaries and the Great Nazarene Sanhedrin.

Nasi (President) - Dr. James Trimm

Av Beit-Din - Rabbi Rob Miller

Council of Emissaries
(Twelve Seats)

*Rabbi Rob Miller

*Dr. James Trimm

Wayne Ingalls
(* Three "Pillars")
(9 empty seats)

Great Nazarene Sanhedrin
(Seventy plus one seats)

Dr. James Trimm - Nasi

Rabbi Rob Miller - Av Beit DIn

Wayne Ingalls

(68 empty seats)

The Nasim (Presidents) of the Nazarene Sanhedrin

1. Ya'akov (James) (c.30 C.E.- 63 C.E.)
2. Shim'on (Simeon) (63 C.E. - 98 C.E.)
3. Justus (98 C.E. -?)
4. Zakkai (Zaccheus) (?-?)
5. Toviyah (Tobias) (?-?)
6. Benyamin (Benjamin) (?-?)
7. Yochanan (John) (?-?)
8. Mattityahu (Matthew) (?-?)
9. Philip (?-?)
10. Seneca (?-?)
11. Justus (?-?)
12. Levi (?-?)
13. Efrayim (Ephres) (?-?)
14. Yosef (Joseph) (?-?)
15. Y'hudah (Judas) (?-132 C.E.)
16. Dr. James Scott Trimm (1996-Present)

The Av Beit-Dins of the Nazarene Sanhedrin:

1. Kefa (Peter) (c.30-68 C.E.)
2. Yochanan (John) (68-c. 100 C.E.)
3. ????? (100 C.E.-132 C.E.)
4. Rabbi Rob Miller (2007-Present)

(In 132 C.E. as a result of the Bar Kochba revolt, the Nazarene Sanhedrin seems to have been dissolved as Nazarene Judaism lost its organizational structure until it was reorganized in 1996 C.E. in accordance with Deut. 16:18)

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